Thursday, June 30, 2011

The "3 Day Rule"

I had a discussion the other day with one of my guy friends about the 3 day rule of contacting a girl you recently met. Over the years, my girl friends have noticed that it usually takes about 3 days for someone to contact them.  My girlfriend thinks this is plain idiotic and knocks me in the head every time I mention this "3 day rule." But here are the reasons why this rule exists:
  1. If you a playa, you can skip this. You know the game. 
  2. Contacting a girl right away makes her think you are a bit desperate. 
  3. Or you have nothing else going on in your life. 
  4. It gives her imagination some room to dance.  What did you look like again? I wonder if I'll get a text? But I thought we flirted? etc
  5. It prolongs the fun.
Okay, so here's my 2 cents on this rule:

1 cent: If you had a short flirty conversation and got her number then the rule is in play. The 3 is arbitrary. It can be 1 or 2 days but take your time. Remember, make it fun.

2 cents: If you really hit it off with a girl, it is no holds barred. You know, she knows, stop f*cking around.

I clearly made this 3 day rule up but it seems to exist in the dating realm. But like all rules, sometimes they are meant to be broken. (Unless the rules are Golden ;) )

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