Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hello World!

Welcome to LezQ.  Hopefully the purpose of this blog is inherent in the name.  If not, then I believe you came to the right place.  I've been to different cities, mostly along the east coast, and have noticed something unsettling in the Boi/Butch/Andro lesbian scene: absence of style.  Don't get me wrong, I am no fashion expert but I have eyes.  Occasionally they are assisted by a pair of black nerd frames or contact lenses (preferred), either way my vision is clear: oversized t-shirts served with a side of baggy jeans or baggy shorts with a white-tank (I know I know, it's a must have in the classic butch wardrobe but you won't stand out from the crowd).  

So here comes my first word of advice and it will be my Golden Rule: Fitted.  Fitted is the way to go. I'm not telling you to wear jeans so tight to the point of popping your ovaries, just not ones where you can stow bottles of 40s from the convenience store. Fitted is the way to go.

My ultimate goal here is to create a community of sexy butch lesbians even the straight girls will chase after and hopefully shatter some stereotypes along the way.  This blog will not only be about fashion but boi/butch lesbian style in general and whatever else wants to travel through my little fingers to make its way on here :)


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