Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bag or No Bag?

I stroll into the office today and my receptionist greeted me with, "Well look at you today, free and easy. No bag." Keyword: Free.  I hate carrying a bag. There are restrictions that come with it, but I'll expand on that later.  

I often bring a messenger bag with me to the office because a girl needs somewhere to put her sh*t.  It is a difficult task to find a good messenger bag for 2 reasons: 

                1. Straight girls don't carry messenger bags. They carry cute handbags i.e. NFTB (Not For The Butch) .
                2. When heading straight for the Men's accessories, I find messenger bags I can fit babies in. No. I want a nice, reasonable sized bag. 

So yes, I feel your pain.  It's a painful search but if you find the right one, trust me it's money well spent. 

Even with the perfect bag, I feel restricted, like it is weighing me down or preventing me from spontaneity.  If I decide to go to happy hour after work I have to worry about finding a table so I can put my bag somewhere or if I want to go party, where am I going to put my bag? I would need to dance near the area of my bag.  More importantly, a bag ruins my outfit. 

To reiterate, I hate carrying a bag but where do I put my stuff? For the winter, it is easy. I keep my things in a jacket or blazer (a must have in your wardrobe).  Summer is where it gets difficult.  I don't like to have things bulging out of my pockets.  I already get mistaken for being a guy, I don't need more assistance in that area.  I can't say I have figured out a solution for this problem but what I do is travel light.  On days where I don't carry a bag, I bring only what's necessary: keys (not janitor style; front door, apartment door, done) , ID, cash, and ONE credit card.  

How do you travel freely?

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