Monday, July 11, 2011

Toronto Pride Review

A little overdue but here it goes. Toronto gets:
3 wet panties!

  1. Large LGBT population, lots of diversity.
  2. 3 day long street festival. The best part, wait for it, it was FREE! When I was in Pittsburgh Pride, the festival cost me $30 entrance. 
  3. Saw a lot of good looking Canadians. Must be in the drinking water or the free healthcare. Who knows. 
  4. A number of girl parties to choose from.   
  1. Crowded crowded crowded
  2. Can only purchase alcohol from a liquor store. Say what?? Boo. I'm a New Yorker, I can get booze from a street cart.
Alright, let's get down to the most important observation I took back to the States and snuck through Customs:
So what do US lesbians have on top of toronto lesbians? Maybe 30lbs and a bucket of fried chicken, but that's about it. Not only are Toronto lesbians fit, they have style.  Everyone had their own style from their hair down to their shoes.

We gotta get it together bois. I will have to start a series of posts on fitness and nutrition because there is a difference between clothes that are intentionally fitted, and clothes that are just too tight cuz you're too fat.  I'll leave it to you to figure out which one is sexier.

Oh, forgot to mention, for those with an asian fetish, Toronto is the place to go.

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