Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prepare your wardrobe for "F*ck Off Days"

We all have these days when we wake up, roll out of bed, look in the mirror and see a stink face glaring back at us. No one wants to be a grouchy bitch but hey, we're all human. We all have days when we just don't give a rats ass what other people think, throw on some bummy clothes and call it a day. 

Newsflash: no one cares or knows you're having a bad day.  Don't let feeling like shit make you look like shit.  So in order to avoid ending up on "Butch Mess of the Day", prepare your wardrobe for "F*ck Off Days."
  1. Go treat yourself and buy a nice pair of fitted jeans.
  2. Comfy designer pull-over Ts.  
  3. Slip on Vans or Converses. 
  4. A nice hat.
Every time you see your reflection and think, "DAMN, I look good" it'll make your day better and better.  Trust.  

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