Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It is time to say farewell to summer. I love the fall weather but I'm not one to sing in the rain. I hate the rain actually. There is nothing worse than sitting at work in damp, wet clothes.  I never check the weather so this happens to me quite often.  But on those rainy mornings (when I can actually hear and see the rain pounding my window), I make sure to throw on my trusty rain boots.  Don't let the torrential downpour wipe you out and ruin your fab jeans.

I was never into the random barf of colors type of rain boots

These are more my style

Hunter makes great simple rain boots that look like regular black boots. Any shoe store will have a good selection to choose from.  For the sportier and rugged boots, check out Paragon.

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