Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Purse Wedgie

I got this article from Glamour about the "Purse Wedgie"...Huh? Yes, my reaction exactly. Apparently the purse wedgie occurs when your shoulder purse decides you need to show a bit more skin, in this case, a bit more booty. So it rides up your skirt until your badonkadonk is out for all to see.

I'm not much for skirt wearing (surprising right?) however my equivalent to the purse wedgie is when my shoulder bag wants to pimp me out and turns all my t-shirts into belly shirts. Does anyone else have this problem? I'd be walking down the street and next thing you know, my belly is out because my shoulder bag causes the side of my shirt to ride up. 

I have yet to figure out a solution to this problem because:
  1. I don't like to tuck in my shirt. 80% of the time, a tucked shirt is not attractive. 
  2. I can wear the shoulder bag on one shoulder (not across the chest) but that defeats the purpose of the bag. Its not comfortable. 
  3. Backpacks make me look 10 years younger. 
So who has THE solution. I'm all ears. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Randomly came across this last weekend and just thought I'd share.  Who says hammocks are for palm trees and tropical places? Apparently light poles make due just fine.

Gotta give him points for creativity.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Rain, Rain, Go Away

It is time to say farewell to summer. I love the fall weather but I'm not one to sing in the rain. I hate the rain actually. There is nothing worse than sitting at work in damp, wet clothes.  I never check the weather so this happens to me quite often.  But on those rainy mornings (when I can actually hear and see the rain pounding my window), I make sure to throw on my trusty rain boots.  Don't let the torrential downpour wipe you out and ruin your fab jeans.

I was never into the random barf of colors type of rain boots

These are more my style

Hunter makes great simple rain boots that look like regular black boots. Any shoe store will have a good selection to choose from.  For the sportier and rugged boots, check out Paragon.